British Contemporary Art inspired by the Natural World...
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Shelly Perkins Wildlife Art

Zambia sketching safari for Art Safari - July 20-28th 2024

£5,455.00 Sold out

Join Shelly in Zambia for an exciting painting safari with Art Safari! - for full information or to make a booking visit:

Where Leopards Tread takes us to one of the prime wildlife locations in Africa for an exclusive 9-day safari of sketching and sunshine.

Wildlife artist Shelly Perkins will encourage you to observe nature with fresh eyes, and share tips and techniques to capture the shapes, colours and play of light in the constantly enthralling wildlife landscapes of South Luangwa National Park. South Luangwa is often known as the kingdom of the leopard. Sightings are frequent. Along the winding banks of the Luangwa River with all of its lagoons and oxbow lakes, there is a healthy population of this beautiful cat.

The park is still green and the weather is perfect for us, with warm (not hot) days and cool nights.

This is a special safari price – make the most of it if you can!

Guided by expert safari guides, we set off on morning and afternoon game drives to sketch herds of elephants, lion, leopard, zebra and antelope, while midday is for relaxing and painting in our beautiful lodges surrounded by unspoilt wilderness.

Shelly was so entranced by South Luangwa National Park and with African wildlife that she published an astonishingly beautiful book of her artwork and photographs. It was voted BBC Wildlife magazines book of the month in September 2023. The book continues to inspire anyone wanting to go on safari, especially those of us who love to paint.

Shelly’s tutoring is all about lines, washes and masses of ideas and enthusiasm. She will encourage you to sketch everything in this amazing area.

We will sketch and paint from open safari vehicles, with occasional stops to settle down on camp stools in the shade for a landscape view… With one-to-one tuition time and demonstrations, Shelly shares her expertise on the safari drives and in the camps as you learn more confidence with drawing and sketching from life.

Our sketchbooks will fill with wonderful river landscapes, floodplains dotted with herds of graceful impala and puku, drying lagoons crowded with hippos, crocodiles lazing on sandbanks, giraffe and buffalo in the dappled woodlands, and overhead the crimson flashes of carmine bee-eaters skilfully catching their food on the wing. This is also prime season for the lions, leopards and hyenas who can feast by picking off the weaker animals.

Our stylish safari accommodation is with Robin Pope Safaris, in two of their intimate bush camps. You can expect fabulous guiding, attentive service and some delicious food! The trip begins and ends with nights in Lusaka at a relaxing hotel full of African art and treasures. These two nights in Lusaka give you the time to unwind before and after the drawing adventures in the bush.

For the most part we will explore the park by vehicle, but we will also have the opportunity do to a walking safari – an opportunity not to be missed in the park where they were pioneered!

As with all of our trips to South Luangwa, anyone who has come to look at the view rather than sketch will be royally rewarded by what they see.

For more information please get in touch with myself or contact the Art Safari Office on 01394 382235 or via their website